Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction

SUD patients may experience more psychological complaints than healthy people, and they are not always abstinent at intake. In our sample, none of the variables (abstinence, abstinence duration, polysubstance use, years of regular use, severity of dependence and/or abuse, depression, anxiety and stress) were related to MoCA outcome. The lack of relations between MoCA total score and depression, anxiety and stress is in line with recent findings in a sample of polysubstance users where the MoCA total score was not related to results on a (psychiatric) symptom checklist 49. As for abstinence and abstinence duration, our findings are not in line with the literature, as a review by Walvoort et al.46 points to a minimum period of 6 weeks abstinence before an extensive (neuro)psychological assessment can be carried out validly.

  • This approach is increasingly being used in research, where an appreciation and understanding of its utility is building.
  • Self- efficacy increases and the probability of relapsing decreases when one is able to cope with this situation31.
  • The study’s findings add to the body of literature supporting this theory, particularly in the context of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms.
  • They may resist information or treatment that challenges their beliefs or habits, perpetuating a cycle of continued addiction.
  • Avoiding, delegitimizing, and limiting the impact of cognitive dissonance may result in a person not acknowledging their behavior and thus not taking steps to resolve the dissonance.
  • The results of the study offer empirical evidence for the role of cognitive dissonance in discontinuous usage intentions and provide insights into the relationship between information overload, service overload, user addiction, and cognitive dissonance.

The study also examined the impact of information overload, service overload, and user addiction on cognitive dissonance and revealed the mitigating effect of self-efficacy in these relationships. This study provides a new perspective on discontinuous cognitive dissonance and addiction usage in the context of social media and expands the application of the theories of cognitive dissonance and self-efficacy. The results of this study have practical implications for regulating user behavior and optimizing platform services.

Social Cognition

Early detection of cognitive impairments is essential to increase the chance of a favourable outcome of treatments and the MoCA is a relatively quick and easy tool to assess cognitive functioning at intake. When cognitive impairments are indeed present, adequate interventions, such as cognitive training 50 or errorless learning 51 may help to increase treatment compliance, self‐efficacy and cognitive performance. As our results show, screenings for cognitive impairment can be validly interpreted in every patient applying for addiction treatment, independent of possibly relevant characteristics. When interpreting findings obtained with the MoCA one should, however, take into account that older adults with SUD may perform lower than younger adults with SUD (except for stimulants, were the opposite effect of age was found).

The findings of the study extend the traditional “cognition-emotion-behavior intention” framework by incorporating the concepts of cognitive dissonance and self-efficacy and provide a more comprehensive understanding of discontinuous usage intentions. The results of the study offer empirical evidence for the role of cognitive dissonance in discontinuous usage intentions and provide insights into the relationship between information overload, service overload, user addiction, and cognitive dissonance. Moreover, the study highlights the significance of self-efficacy in regulating the relationship between information overload, service overload, user addiction, and cognitive dissonance. The results show that self-efficacy plays a negative role in regulating the impact of cognitive dissonance on discontinuous usage intentions, which is important for the design and development of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms. First, prior research in the field of information systems and psychology has demonstrated the importance of considering the interplay between cognitive, emotional, and behavioral factors in the study of user intentions, particularly in the context of technology adoption and usage.

Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction Behaviors

Because it is something a person feels internally, it is not possible to physically observe dissonance. As such, no set of external signs can reliably indicate a person is experiencing cognitive dissonance. The dissonance between two contradictory ideas, or between an idea and a behavior, creates discomfort. Festinger argued that cognitive dissonance is more intense when a person holds many dissonant views and those views are important to them. Cognitive dissonance is the tension that arises when there is a conflict between a belief and a desire or behavior.

cognitive dissonance and addiction

Moreover, experimental techniques that prevent neuronal activity and networking inhibit learning. Located on the historic peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, Lantana Recovery takes a modern approach to Substance Use Disorder treatment, offering intensive clinical care while also immersing our clients in local Charleston culture. We benefit, though, from approaching these inconsistencies with curiosity and grace, even when we want to change them. When you feel either physical or psychological discomfort, make a note of it to yourself. Unfortunately, though, there’s no flashing red light that tells you when you’re not in alignment with your values — it’s all internal.

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